

学位类型 一级证书

总学时 16


The program options of 外科专业 represent the hands-on career aspects of the operating room (OR) surgical setting - working alongside surgeons, 麻醉医师, 护士, 以及之前提供病人护理的其他医护人员, 在, 手术后.


无菌处理技术人员在手术环境中起着关键作用, 间接提供病人护理. Sterile 处理 technicians carefully sterilize each medical instrument and piece of equipment to ensure the safety of patients and medical staff. 中央无菌处理技术人员在通过灭菌预防感染方面发挥着关键作用, 清洁, 处理, 组装, 存储, 分发外科手术中安全使用的医疗用品.

中央无菌处理证书是四门课程, 两个学期的证书课程,第一学期有三门模块课程, 第二学期进行现场临床课程. 完成课程后的模块课程, students are eligible to sit for the national certification examination administered by the Healthcare Sterile Processing Association (HSPA), 哪个提供临时认证, 完成规定的临床工作时数.


A surgical technologist is a health care professional who prepares the operating room (OR) before surgery. 外科技术人员是外科护理团队的重要组成部分, 与外科医生一起提供病人护理, 助理, 护士, 麻醉提供者. While the primary role of the surgical technologist is to pass sterile instruments and supplies to the surgeon and 助理, 取决于操作, 他们还可能准备机器人手术设备, 保持器官就位, 或者握住牵开器.

The Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in 外科手术技术 at 科林大学 is a 12-month program (Summer, 秋天, 春季),这将使学生准备工作作为一个入门级的外科技术专家. The course of study consists of approved courses from the Workforce Education Course Manual of Texas. 项目完成后, the student is qualified to sit for the national certification examination for surgical technologists. The Commission on 认证 of Allied Health Education 项目 accredits our program allowing graduates to become eligible for the Certified Surgical Technologist, (CST)证书.


外科助理是高级联合医疗专业人员, 也是外科医生第一个求助的人, 有效的, 简化外科手术程序. 在外科医生的监督下, 手术助理负责的技能范围从身体平面闭合, 伤口可视化, 止血, 以及应用所有手术阶段的先进知识.

由联合健康教育项目认证委员会认证, the 科林大学 外科协助 Program is the only program in Texas and one of only thirteen nationwide.

The Advanced Technical Certificate in 外科协助 is a one-year program that begins in the summer semester and continues in the fall and spring semesters. 课程是混合的,在麦金尼校区和网上提供. 入学是有选择性和竞争性的. Upon successful completion of the program the student is awarded an Advanced Technical Certificate in 外科协助 and is eligible to sit for the National Board of 外科手术技术 and 外科协助 (NBSTSA) Certified Surgical First Assist (CSFA) exam.



中央无菌处理课程没有先决条件. 有兴趣的学生可以在被火博体育官网录取后注册课程.


  • 完成德克萨斯州卫生服务部(TDSHS)*要求的所有免疫接种
  • 目前由美国心脏协会提供的基本生命支持认证.
  • 出示健康保险证明.
  • 在申请截止日期前完成健康检查并取得满意的结果.
  • Consent to criminal background check (note that negative results may compromise clinical placement)
  • 同意药物筛选(注意,阴性结果可能影响临床安排)

进入外科技术课程是有选择性和竞争性的. 请在部门网站上查看该计划的具体资格.

  • 申请进入火博体育官网
  • 提供高中毕业证明或GED证明
  • 将所有大学成绩单提交给咨询部门进行评估.
  • 向外科技术部提交项目申请
  • 平均绩点2.所有必修课程成绩达到5分
  • 参加外科技术项目信息会议.
  • Submit two reference letters attesting to your character and work ethic written by faculty or employer.
  • Submit an essay (min 1 page typed): Topic - What makes you a strong candidate for the 外科手术技术 Program? 你觉得在这个项目中你将面临的最大挑战是什么?
  • Be prepared to participate in an interview with Program staff and scheduled for an interview after the application deadline.
  • 将所需文件放入文件夹或大信封内,并将填妥的申请表交回, 连同其他所需的申请文件, 到H225A的投递箱或到项目行政助理处, Monday-Friday, H201上午8点至下午5点, 保健科学司办事处, McKinney校园, 2200 W. 得克萨斯州麦金尼大学大道75071.

在进入外科技术项目后, students will be required to upload the following documents to the Program's clinical tracking system:

  • 目前的免疫接种记录*
  • 当前CPR卡(正面/背面)
  • 健康保险(正面/背面)
  • 已签署的药物筛选豁免书(只适用于秋季/春季) 
  • 已签署的背景调查豁免书(秋季/春季)
  • 完整的医疗问卷(由项目提供)


Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and the Hospital Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC):

  • ACIP strongly recommends that all Health Care Workers (HCWs) be vaccinated against (or have documented immunity to) hepatitis B, 流感, 麻疹, 流行性腮腺炎, 风疹, 和水痘.
  • 破伤风, Diphtheria and Pertussis: 破伤风-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap) booster is recommended for all persons every 10 years.
  • 流感疫苗将于10月的第一周接种.
  • 在秋季学期开始之前, 提交量化子金的书面证明, 仅限IGRA或t点结核病血液检测. 如果结核病血液检查呈阳性,则必须提交最近5年的胸部x光片阴性.
  • MMR是两次接种或滴剂.
  • 根据个人危险因素,可能需要接种其他疫苗.

请咨询德克萨斯州卫生部和疾病预防控制中心的建议. 访问 http://www.疾病预防控制Centers.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6104a9.htm 和/或 http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/immunize/Schedule/schedule_adult.shtm 了解更多信息.

额外的来源: 德克萨斯州行政法典,第25卷,第一部分,第97章,B分章,规则97.62, 97.64, 97.65.

*需要注意的是,其中一项必需的疫苗接种, 乙型肝炎, 由三剂系列组成, 哪些项目可能需要7个月才能完成. 所有免疫接种必须在第一个临床日之前完成.


进入外科辅助项目是有选择性和竞争性的. 请在部门网站上查看该计划的具体资格.

  • 申请进入火博体育官网.
  • 向外科辅助科提交项目申请.
  • Two years recent experience as a clinical Surgical Technologist with an associate degree or higher (see *Note below), 或者是手术室护士, 或获得认可的医学院硕士学位, or a Bachelor of Science degree or higher with three years of current surgical assisting operating room experience.
  • Submit official copies of all college transcripts denoting degrees earned to both 科林大学 and to the 外科协助 Department.
  • 提交两封医生推荐信.
  • 提交所有列出的成绩单的正式副本,通过电子邮件加密到drsmith@科林.edu from your listed educational institution or mailed to Donna R Smith, Program Director, at 2200 W. 德克萨斯州麦金尼H201大学.
  • 火博体育官网你为什么对外科辅助感兴趣的一页手写论文.
  • CST证书或当前CNOR证书复印件.
  • 当前美国心脏协会BLS卡复印件.
  • Respond via email to the three-question survey that will be emailed to you upon receipt of your program application to the program.
  • Be prepared to participate in an interview with Program staff and scheduled for an interview after the application deadline.

Note: A Bridge Opportunity is available for 外科协助 Program candidates who are Certified Surgical Technologists (CST), 最近至少有两年的工作经验, 但不要拥有大专以上学历. 联系外科辅助项目主任:drsmith@科林.Edu获取更多信息.

在进入外科辅助项目后, 学生将被要求向项目主任提供以下文件:

  • 目前的免疫接种记录*
  • 目前由美国心脏协会提供的基本生命支持认证.
  • 健康保险(正面/背面).
  • 在每学期开始临床轮转之前提供医疗事故保险证明.
  • 已签署的药物筛选豁免书(只适用于秋季/春季).
  • 已签署的背景调查豁免书(秋季/春季).
  • 完整的医疗问卷(由项目提供).


Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and the Hospital Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC):

  • ACIP strongly recommends that all Health Care Workers (HCWs) be vaccinated against (or have documented immunity to) hepatitis B, 流感, 麻疹, 流行性腮腺炎, 风疹, d水痘.
  • 破伤风, Diphtheria and Pertussis: 破伤风-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap) booster is recommended for all persons every 10 years.
  • 流感疫苗将于10月的第一周接种.
  • 在秋季学期开始之前, 提交量化子金的书面证明, 仅限IGRA或t点结核病血液检测. 如果结核病血液检查呈阳性,则必须提交最近5年的胸部x光片阴性.
  • MMR是两次接种或滴剂.
  • 根据个人危险因素,可能需要接种其他疫苗.

请咨询德克萨斯州卫生部和疾病预防控制中心的建议. 访问 http://www.疾病预防控制Centers.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6104a9.htm 和/或 http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/immunize/Schedule/schedule_adult.shtm 了解更多信息.

其他资料来源:德克萨斯州行政法典,第25卷,第一部分,第97章,B分章,规则97.62, 97.64, 97.65

健康保险 - 全中心无菌, 外科手术技术, and 外科协助 students are required to show proof of health insurance prior to starting clinical rotations each semester. 另外, 外科协助 students are required to show proof of malpractice insurance prior to starting clinical rotations each semester.


在初步接受这些项目后, 所有学生都需要具备特定的功能能力, 有或没有住宿, 为顺利完成课程, 并在各种专业和外科环境中安全有效地发挥作用. 具体的功能需求见 外科专业 每个项目的网站. Students who think they may not be able to meet the functional standards and need accommodation are encouraged to contact the college ACCESS department as soon as this program is of interest.


火博体育官网高级技术证书(ATC) -外科辅助项目, and the AAS - 外科手术技术 program are accredited by the Commission on 认证 of Allied Health Education 项目 (CAAHEP) upon the recommendation of the 认证 Review Committee on 外科手术技术 and 外科协助 (ARCSTA). 联系方式:

9355 - 113街. N, #7709

帕克,CO 80138

注意:完成 与犯罪系统有牵连的学生, please be advised that your background could keep you from obtaining licensure from the State of Texas. 如果你对你的背景和执照有疑问, 请与您的教师或项目主任交谈. You also have the right to request a criminal history evaluation letter from the applicable licensing agency.

Students planning to transfer to a college or university should check with 科林大学 academic advisors. Also check the degree requirement of the intended transfer college prior to beginning this program to verify course degree applicability.
