
LVN to RN Bridge Program, AAS

Degree Type Associate of Applied Science

Total Credit Hours 60

Nursing at Collin

从事护理工作将对你自己的生活和他人的生活产生影响. Pursuing your nursing degree at Collin College is a great way to start.

火博体育官网的护理副学士学位(ADN)课程为学生在这个快速发展的领域成为一名专业注册护士做好准备,该领域拥有最先进的设施和具有多年医疗保健实践经验的教育工作者. 自2011年以来,火博体育官网被全国护理联盟(NLN)认可为护理教育卓越中心, 这是全国少数几所获得这一荣誉的社区学院之一.

以概念为基础的护理课程是为深度学习而设计的,这样你就可以发展更高水平的临床判断. 课程将护理概念分为两类——卫生保健概念和专业护理概念——这些概念在课堂上学习,然后在实际环境中应用,如卡里A的健康科学模拟实验室. Israel Health Sciences Center, 以及在当地的医疗机构,学生完成临床轮岗.

护理课程由德克萨斯州护理委员会(Texas BON)批准,并由护理教育认证委员会(ACEN)认证。. Upon graduation, 火博体育官网的ADN课程学生准备通过NCLEX-RN考试向德克萨斯州注册护士(RN)申请执照.

The college also offers a bridge program for LVNs, 允许更快地完成学位,更早地开始你作为专业注册护士的职业生涯.

Licensure Notice: Students who have been involved with the criminal system, 我被告知你的背景可能使你无法获得德克萨斯州的执照. If you have a question about your background and licensure, please speak with your faculty member or the department chair. 您也有权要求犯罪历史评估信从适用的许可机构.

如果个人有理由相信他/她没有资格获得执照, he/she may petition the Texas BON for a declaratory order. Upon application to the nursing program, 如果声明令被批准,你必须通过结果信来证明你有资格参加NCLEX-RN考试。结果信将由德克萨斯州的BON发出. To check your eligibility, please review the following questions. If you answer "yes" to any one of the following questions, 在申请护理课程之前,你必须完成德克萨斯州BON的声明命令.

  • 你是否曾经有过轻罪(除了C类交通违章轻罪)??
  • Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
  • Have you ever pled nolo contender, no contest, or guilty?
  • Have you ever received deferred adjudication?
  • 你曾经接受过社区监督或法院命令的缓刑吗, whether or not adjudicated guilty?
  • 你是否曾被判入狱或监禁,或被法院下令监禁?
  • Have you ever been granted pre-trial diversion?
  • Have you ever been arrested or have any pending criminal charges?
  • Have you ever been cited or charged with any violation of the law?
  • Have you ever been subject of a court-martial; Article 15 violation; or received any form of military judgment, punishment, or action?

Contact the Nursing Department for further information.

Collin County healthcare facilities support the ADN program. 整个Metroplex的几个医疗保健设施都用于临床体验.



After initial acceptance to this program, 所有的学生都需要满足特定的功能能力,无论是否有住宿,以成功完成课程,并在各种专业环境中安全有效地发挥作用. 具体的功能要求可以在护理网站上的项目信息中提供的功能能力/核心绩效标准文件中找到 如果学生认为自己可能无法达到功能标准,需要住宿,我们鼓励他们在对这个项目感兴趣的时候尽快联系学院的ACCESS部门.


护理课程由护理教育认证委员会(ACEN)全面认证。. They may be contacted at:

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 975-5000


当学生被护理专业录取时,他们可以获得各种奖学金. Most scholarships are awarded based on financial need. 其他类型的资金支持可以通过学院的财政援助办公室获得.


Admission to the Nursing Program is selective. 被学院录取并不保证进入护理课程. Registration is by permission only. 有关资料及申请,可向护理处或护理网页索取:

  • Complete pre-entrance course requirements with a minimum 2.5 GPA
  • 所有与护理专业相关的课程成绩达到C或以上
  • 提交所有大学成绩单的正式副本,包括火博体育官网
  • Complete an entrance exam prior to the Jan. 31st, March 31st or Aug. 31st deadline (see nursing website)
  • 顺利完成药物筛选、背景调查及身体检查
  • Submit a current American Heart Association CPR for Health Care workers
  • Provide documentation of a current negative TB test
  • Complete a declaratory order from the Texas BON, if needed
  • 根据德克萨斯州卫生服务部(TDSHS) *的要求,显示阳性滴度免疫接种

* It is important to note that one of the required vaccinations, Hepatitis B, consists of a three dose series, which can take up to 7 months to complete. 不能接受HBV的个体必须通知临床协调员.

Health Insurance - 所有护理专业的学生都必须在每学期开始临床轮转之前出示健康保险证明.
